今天早晨开邮箱,结果发现有人给我校学生会邮件组发了一封邮件,叫A nice gentleman is looking for opportunity to establish a life-time relationship。大意是一位40岁左右的原籍中国现为美国公民的男性试图在我校觅一女生求交往。我扫了一眼就习惯性的跳过去了,毕竟每天看bbs上都有大量类似消息。
……(我校)far more gentlemen looking for girlfriends or wives than ladies looking for boyfriends or husbands, we should put ladies(not gentlemen) looking for relationships ads here, please
If it is NOT violating any written rule, give the sender a break please. And if most people on the email list don't like this kind of message,
write down a rule now and send a reminder to everyone,
(我校中国同学)is not a science community but a daily-life community. For life, we are watching a lot of emotional stories happening around us all the time, do we have to forbid them or avoid them? Are they dirty or something compared with science? …… we are not babies or born in 1960s, this kind of thing is normal and decent.
最后还有几个酱油党同学纷纷表示从来没有看见过我校邮件组上一封邮件有这么多回帖(最后又16封,足够在十大上呆一年了),这真是“very geilivable”。不过仔细看了一下回帖的邮件名,我系同学情绪稳定,纷纷以实际行动表示这事对日常生活影响不大。